Number One Health Benefit: When You Maintain a Clean Bedroom, It Leads to a More Restful Sleep
Do you have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep? Many people do.
The National Sleep Foundation published a recent study showing that at least 45 percent of Americans deal with unrestful sleep. You would think that with Americans’ busy lifestyles, they wouldn’t just collapse into bed and stay asleep until the morning. However, that’s not what’s happening.
Here’s the truth:
we fill out minds and then think about all that stuff when we’re trying to sleep. This includes all of the mess that surrounds us in our bedrooms.
Another survey by The National Sleep Foundation showed that when our sheets and bedrooms are clean, we fall asleep easier. The bottom line? When we have a clean house, we have a clean mind!
Number Two Health Benefit:
When Your Space is Clean and Clutter, Free You Improve Your Mental Health
Suppose your house is one where everything is covered in clutter; Who knows what’s going on with the laundry? Is your laundry clean or in dirty piles? Then you’ve got your kids’ school papers, cups and dirty plates, and everything else you could find among the dust, spills, and pet hair.
All of this clutter is overwhelming, leading to anxiety, stress, and depression. Did you know that over time, we find that our brains shut off the mess? We become “clutter blind,” and other parts of our brains get overwhelmed. Our eyes see one thing – an oversized lot. This means a section of our brains ticks away as we get busy agonizing over all the unfinished business in our lives. Princeton University put out a study that concluded that clutter overwhelms the visual cortex and makes it hard to process a task we are trying to achieve.
Many studies show that clutter affects our mental health. Psychological studies have shown that a clean, uncluttered space helps us feel calmer, less depressed, and less anxious.
Number Three Health Benefit:
You’ll Make Healthier Food Choices in a Clean Home
Cleaning is important. You will probably feel stressed or anxious when you have a dirty, cluttered, smelly place. In addition, when we’re stressed and anxious, we make poor food choices, which doesn’t help either.
Looking at it that way, examining the reverse of dirt and clutter is easy. A space that is tidy and clean can lead to better eating habits and just a better and healthier lifestyle overall!
When your office is clean, everyone benefits. From the workforce to the business itself, a well-maintained working environment is the foundation of positive results. To get benefits for the business, the importance of office cleaning is a must.
We know science backs all this up. The Psychological Science Journal, in 2010, published a study showing that those in an orderly, clean environment made healthier, smarter snacking choices than those who worked in clutter and mess.
When it comes to a messy kitchen, cooking and eating in it is not preferable. When your kitchens are clean, chances are good you’ll make healthier food choices when you’re home, and you won’t avoid your messy kitchen to go eat out.
All of this may not seem like such a big deal. But understand that calories add up quickly. Did you know that the average fast-food meal is about 1,800 calories? If you make a home-cooked meal, it is approximately less than half that or about 550 calories.
Number Four Health Benefit:
Seasonal Allergies Improve in a Clean Home
No matter if you have seasonal outdoor allergies to pollens or if you suffer from indoor allergies caused by dust mites, pet dander, dust, or hair, a clean home helps to reduce the symptoms.
You bring outdoor allergens, like mold and pollen, in your shoes and clothing. When allergens are left to accumulate, things like animal hair, dust, etc., can be brutal on allergy sufferers. It makes the eyes, nose, and ears suffer more.
Keep a clean home, including vacuuming regularly using a high-powered HEPA filter vacuum. Pay attention to areas prone to mould, such as the bathroom.